CD2 Debate
The Chambers of Congressional MN District 2 invite you to attend the 3rd biennial Chambers of CD2 Sponsored Debate between candidates Angie Craig and Joe Teirab on Monday, October 7th.
We are honored to be one of only two debates scheduled for the 2024 election cycle for CD2 Candidates, and the only planned televised debate. This event will be livestreamed and recorded for viewing.
IMPORTANT: Space is limited and not everyone will be able to attend live. No one will be admitted who does not have an approved registration from their Chamber of Commerce. By requesting admission, you are agreeing to the event rules as noted below.
All terms have been negotiated and approved by the two campaigns, local Chambers and local law enforcement.
- Space is limited, registration will close when cap is reached.
- You must receive registration confirmation to be allowed in the event.
- Registrations are not transferrable.
- You must show a photo government/school ID the day of event to be admitted.
- Doors will open at 9:00 am for check in and seating. You will be standing outside for a time, please prepare for weather conditions.
- Doors will close promptly at 9:45 am.
- No admittance after 9:45 am.
- The debate will take place from 10:00-11:00am. Audience will be asked to exit the facility immediately following the debate.
- There will be no readmittance into the debate hall once the debate has started.
- Please plan to arrive at the earliest entrance time to allow adequate time to get through check-in and be seated.
- The debate will be held in Lakeville. Specific location information, including parking instructions, with your approved registration.
- Government/School issued PHOTO ID’s must be presented. No exceptions.
- The event will be broadcast live and available by links from your local Chamber afterwards.
- The facility has disability access.
- No snacks or beverages will be provided.
- Due to schedules, there will not be the opportunity to engage with the candidates before, during or after the debate.
Audience Behavior: No public displays of support or non-support are to be exhibited. No signage, noise makers, etc. are allowed in the debate hall. No noise other than welcome applause and thank you applause at the end will be permitted. Ushers may ask you to leave if you do not abide by these rules. A public area will be marked and available outside the event venue for public gathering before and after the event.
Cell Phones/ Recording Devices: Cell phones are not to be used in the debate hall and must be silenced. No recording by the audience of any kind is permitted. The event will be broadcast live on multiple outlets and will be available after the event.
Date and Time
Monday Oct 7, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM CDT
Monday, Oct. 7
10 - 11 a.m.
Lakeville - Location will be released once registered.